contact Dr. Giles

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1211 Pershing Avenue
Wheaton, Illinois 60189
United States

(630) 668-1141


Now that you’ve experienced Reiki, are you ready to practice Reiki for yourself and others?

Training to become a Reiki Practitioner does not require long study. In Usui/Holy Fire®, World Peace and Karuna Reiki®, the ability to use Reiki is transmitted to the student by processes called Placements (for Levels 1 and 2) and Ignitions (for Reiki Master). A Reiki initiation is a powerful experience and is for life. While additional Advanced Reiki and Reiki Master Ignitions are necessary if you plan to teach, they are not required in order to use Reiki for yourself or others.

There are three levels, with the highest being Reiki Master. Lindsay offers classes for all levels of practice. If you would like more information, why not schedule a free, no-obligation screening call where your questions will be answered? If you want to contact Lindsay by phone, text or email, click here to learn how.

UPCOMING classes

Please use the form below for more information

Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Level 1 Class

Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Level 1, Sunday, March 16, 2-25; $250

Usui/Holy Fire® III, Level 2, Sunday, March 30, 2025; $250.

If you sign up for both Level 1 and Level 2, total cost will be $450, a $50 discount.


Karuna Reiki®, instruction arranged individually, $600.00

Karuna Reiki®. A Master level certification in any Reiki tradition is required for Karuna Reiki®.

Advanced & Level 3 Master Class, instruction arranged individually, $600.00

Payment plans are available so long as the cost is paid in full by the end of the class.

A non-refundable deposit of $100 is required to hold your place in any class. If you later need to withdraw, that deposit may be applied to a future class.

Holy Fire® and Karuna Reiki® are the registered service marks of William Lee Rand.

sign up for more training information