About Reviews
When you look at the booking page on our website you will see verified reviews by past clients.
We use a secure system for client reviews so you will know they are trustworthy. Only those clients who have been on the schedule can write reviews. This eliminates the problem of business competitors who have never been clients filing bogus reviews, an unfortunate reality in our digital age.
After a client has been seen, the system automatically sends out a review request. We cannot edit the reviews that are provided by our clients, so everything you see is authentic. Clients can post under their name, initials, a combination of a first name and last initial, or using an anonymous name. However, every single review is by someone who has been an actual client.
As we cannot edit reviews we have no control over some of the words that our clients might use to describe their issues, and some may use psychological or medical language.
Please keep in mind that the services rendered by a Consulting Hypnotist or a Reiki Professional are held out to the public as nontherapeutic and motivational services, not as health care or psychotherapy. We seek to make our work helpful for a wide range of issues, including making medical or psychological care obtained elsewhere more effective, but our work is not intended as a substitute for medical or psychological treatment.